This month, classrooms will read the text One Small Spark: A Tikkun Olam Story by Ruth Spiro and illustrated by Victoria Tentler-Krylov. The story opens with the question, "Imagine the world you want to live in. If that's not the world you see, will you create it?" and follows a child on her journey to solve a problem she notices one rainy day while walking to school. In that moment, the tiny spark inside her grows and then connects her to others who are inspired to make a change and help the world become a better place.
In addition to reading and discussing the story in school, the students are invited to nurture their own small sparks by completing a Giving Back Choice Board focused on promoting generosity, gratitude, and service within our community.
Additionally, over the next three weeks, we will collect non-perishable food items for the Watertown food pantries and the Community Fridge.
If you want to contribute, please consider donating canned goods, pasta, rice, cereal, and other non-perishable food items. You can drop your donations in the boxes outside the Nurse's Office. Scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter to find the flyer.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
The Hosmer Staff