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Boosterthon Updates!

Posted Date: 2/14/25 (3:11 PM)

Today is the Boosterthon Fun Run! This is PTO's largest fundraiser of the year and the goal this year is to raise $17,000. Please ❗️Click here to log final donations TODAY on MYBOOSTER.COM❗️It’s not too late to get started!

Here are a few reminders before your student(s) participate in the big event:
  • Have your student(s) get a good night’s rest. Our event will be about 30 minutes of movement.
  • Make sure your student(s) wear appropriate foot and clothing attire to move and groove.

Here is where we are with our challenges:

  • Get donations from 10 countries: WE DID IT! As of this morning, we have received donations from 14 countries - Canada, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, South, Moldova, Netherlands, Spain, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States. The whole school will have a COSTUME DAY the Friday we return from break (Feb. 28th)! (Clothing and footwear should still be school appropriate. No blow-ups costumes. No masks or violent objects/references, please.)

  • 60% of students register: Hallway Disco Dance Parties - We only need 30 more students to register at!

  • Raise $17,000 - Ms. Moulton and a group of teachers will have a race while wearing blow-up costumes. We are almost there with about $15,000!

Last Nights Nightly Challenge Winners: Ms. Madden's Third Grade Class