Post Winter Break COVID Testing

Post Winter Break COVID Testing
Posted on 01/02/2021
I cannot urge you strongly enough to enroll your children in our pooled testing program. The test is quick, easy, and does NOT HURT. It only involves a swab circling the opening of the nostril and does NOT go up the nose. The more students who test, the more certain we will be that our school is safe for adults and children. Testing this week will mean that any positive cases will not require the closing of cohorts as students have not yet been exposed to one another. Please, please, consider participating.

We will be offering free COVID testing for all students Monday, January 4, and Tuesday, January 5 at Watertown High School, using the schedule below. If you have already signed up your child for testing, just show up at the times listed below. If not, please visit this link to fill out the consent form for testing. It is vitally important for as many families as possible to sign up for ongoing testing, especially as we head into the winter months. Please do your part to keep our students and staff safe by signing up for testing. It’s quite easy and isn’t the long nasal swab, but rather the anterior short nasal swab.

A-D 12-1
E-G 1-2
H-K 2-3
L-Q 3-4
R-Z 4-5

Tuesday- COHORT B
A-D 12-1
E-G 1-2
H-K 2-3
L-Q 3-4
R-Z 4-5