MCAS Testing

MCAS Testing
Posted on 05/10/2021
Students in grades 3-5 will be taking the Reading MCAS this week. More information is included below. Unlike previous years, there is only one session of testing. We know our children have done a great job of making it through this past year. They have learned lessons in patience and resilience and have shown creativity in building relationships and learning in new ways. They have learned A LOT this year, the majority of which cannot be measured by any standardized test. Academically, our internal measures show us that students have also made good progress across the subject areas. Please remind your students that we are already proud of them and this test will not change that.

We aim to keep this as stress-free of a testing situation for everyone - adults and children - and feel confident with the plans we have put in place. A massive thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Condon who have been busy with the behind-the-scenes work that this testing requires. They have done an incredible job of setting up this infrastructure so that the attention of many others (including me and the teachers!) has been able to remain where it should - with our students, their well-being, and their learning.

Wednesday, May 12th - ELA MCAS grades 3, 4, and 5 in-person students - testing begins promptly at 8:30

Friday, May 14th - ELA MCAS grades 3, 4, and 5 VIrtual School students - testing begins promptly at 8:30 at Hosmer